Relevant Terms

<aside> 💬 Corporate credit refers to bonds issued by companies to raise capital for various business needs. These bonds represent loans made by investors to the company in exchange for regular interest payments and the return of the principal amount at maturity. In the context of closed-end funds in fixed income, corporate credit refers to managed portfolios of these bonds, offering investors opportunities for income generation and potential growth by investing in a diversified range of corporate debt securities.


<aside> 💬 Securitized credit involves packaging various types of debt, such as mortgages or loans, into securities that can be bought and sold by investors. These securities often offer regular payments based on the underlying debt payments. In the context of closed-end funds in fixed income, securitized credit refers to professionally managed portfolios of these securities, providing investors with exposure to a mix of assets and potential income from the structured debt payments.



As an intern in the Product Strategy Group, primarily working on the Public Credit - Securitized Credit & Corporate Credit products, I played a key role in producing research reports condensing macroeconomic trends data as well as corporate financials to provide insight on the firm’s investment decisions

Actionable Items

Communicating with several stakeholders from the account management as well as client management teams within the firm, we produced research write-ups detailing changes to firm investment theses in response to credit ratings actions from ratings agencies such as S&P500, Moodys, etc. This includes company financial information, market commentaries, and other relevant information.


<aside> 🔒 Under NDA, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] for any inquiries!
